'Deficient' definitions:
Definition of 'deficient'
From: WordNet
Inadequate in amount or degree; "a deficient education"; "deficient in common sense"; "lacking in stamina"; "tested and found wanting" [syn: deficient, lacking(p), wanting(p)]
Of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement; "insufficient funds" [syn: insufficient, deficient] [ant: sufficient]
Falling short of some prescribed norm; "substandard housing" [syn: deficient, inferior, substandard]
Definition of 'Deficient'
- Deficient \De*fi"cient\, a. [L. deficiens, -entis, p. pr. of deficere to be wanting. See Defect.] Wanting, to make up completeness; wanting, as regards a requirement; not sufficient; inadequate; defective; imperfect; incomplete; lacking; as, deficient parts; deficient estate; deficient strength; deficient in judgment. [1913 Webster]
- The style was indeed deficient in ease and variety. --Macaulay. [1913 Webster]
- Deficient number. (Arith.) See under Abundant. -- {De*fi"cient-ly}, adv. [1913 Webster]
Synonyms of 'deficient'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- adulterated,
- amiss,
- arrested,
- bad,
- base,
- blemished,
- botched,
- bungling,
- callow,
- clumsy,
- damaged,
- defective,
- embryonic,
- erroneous,
- failing,
- fallible,
- faulty,
- flawed,
- found wanting,
- half-assed,
- haphazard,
- hit-and-miss,
- hit-or-miss,
- hypoplastic,
- immature,
- impaired,
- imperfect,
- imprecise,
- impure,
- in arrear,
- in arrears,
- in default,
- in short supply,
- in want of,
- inaccurate,
- inadequate,
- incompetent,
- incomplete,
- inexact,
- infant,
- inferior,
- infrequent,
- injured,
- insufficient,
- lacking,
- little,
- makeshift,
- maladroit,
- marred,
- mean,
- mediocre,
- messy,
- minus,
- missing,
- mixed,
- needing,
- not comparable,
- not enough,
- not in it,
- not perfect,
- off,
- out of it,
- part,
- partial,
- patchy,
- petty,
- promiscuous,
- rare,
- scant,
- scanty,
- scarce,
- scrappy,
- scrimpy,
- shabby,
- short,
- short of,
- shy,
- sketchy,
- skimpy,
- slipshod,
- slipshoddy,
- sloppy,
- slovenly,
- sluttish,
- small,
- too little,
- trivial,
- uncommon,
- underdeveloped,
- undeveloped,
- unequal to,
- uneven,
- unfinished,
- unperfected,
- unqualified,
- unreached,
- unsatisfactory,
- unsatisfying,
- unskillful,
- unsound,
- unsufficing,
- unthorough,
- untidy,
- wanting
Words containing 'Deficient'
- Deficience,
- Deficiencies,
- Deficiency,
- Deficiency of a curve,
- Deficient number,
- deficiency disease,
- lactase deficiency,
- mass deficiency,
- mental deficiency,
- mineral deficiency,
- vitamin deficiency,
- zinc deficiency,
- Deficient-ly,
- color vision deficiency,
- colour vision deficiency,
- deficient inferior substandard,
- iron deficiency anaemia,
- iron deficiency anemia,
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome,
- vitamin-deficiency diet