'Debauching' definitions:

Definition of 'Debauching'

  • Debauch \De*bauch"\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Debauched; p. pr. & vb. n. Debauching.] [F. d['e]baucher, prob. originally, to entice away from the workshop; pref. d['e]- (L. dis- or de) + OF. bauche, bauge, hut, cf. F. bauge lair of a wild boar; prob. from G. or Icel., cf. Icel. b[=a]lkr. See Balk, n.] To lead away from purity or excellence; to corrupt in character or principles; to mar; to vitiate; to pollute; to seduce; as, to debauch one's self by intemperance; to debauch a woman; to debauch an army. [1913 Webster]
  • Learning not debauched by ambition. --Burke. [1913 Webster]
  • A man must have got his conscience thoroughly debauched and hardened before he can arrive to the height of sin. --South. [1913 Webster]
  • Her pride debauched her judgment and her eyes. --Cowley. [1913 Webster]