'congo eel' definitions:

Definition of 'congo eel'

From: WordNet
Aquatic eel-shaped salamander having two pairs of very small feet; of still muddy waters in the southern United States [syn: amphiuma, congo snake, congo eel, blind eel]

Definition of 'congo eel'

  • Eelpout \Eel"pout`\, n. [AS. ?lepute.] (Zo["o]l.) (a) A European fish (Zoarces viviparus), remarkable for producing living young; -- called also greenbone, guffer, bard, and Maroona eel. Also, an American species (Z. anguillaris), -- called also mutton fish, and, erroneously, congo eel, ling, and lamper eel. Both are edible, but of little value. (b) A fresh-water fish, the burbot. [1913 Webster]