'Commodious' definitions:

Definition of 'commodious'

From: WordNet
Large and roomy (`convenient' is archaic in this sense); "a commodious harbor"; "a commodious building suitable for conventions" [syn: commodious, convenient] [ant: incommodious]

Definition of 'Commodious'

  • Commodious \Com*mo"di*ous\, a. [LL. commodiosus, fr. L. commodum convenience, fr. commodus. See Commode.] Adapted to its use or purpose, or to wants and necessities; serviceable; spacious and convenient; roomy and comfortable; as, a commodious house. "A commodious drab." --Shak. "Commodious gold." --Pope. [1913 Webster]
  • The haven was not commodious to winter in. --Acts xxvii. 12.
  • Syn: Convenient; suitable; fit; proper; advantageous; serviceable; useful; spacious; comfortable. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Commodious'