'come to' definitions:
Definition of 'come to'
From: WordNet
Cause to experience suddenly; "Panic struck me"; "An interesting idea hit her"; "A thought came to me"; "The thought struck terror in our minds"; "They were struck with fear" [syn: hit, strike, come to]
Be relevant to; "There were lots of questions referring to her talk"; "My remark pertained to your earlier comments" [syn: refer, pertain, relate, concern, come to, bear on, touch, touch on, have-to doe with]
Attain; "The horse finally struck a pace" [syn: come to, strike]
Return to consciousness; "The patient came to quickly"; "She revived after the doctor gave her an injection" [syn: come to, revive, resuscitate]
Synonyms of 'come to'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- accomplish,
- achieve,
- acquiesce,
- add up to,
- afford,
- aggregate,
- aggregate to,
- amount to,
- appear,
- approach,
- arrive,
- arrive at,
- arrive in,
- assister,
- attain,
- attain to,
- attend,
- awake,
- awaken,
- balance,
- be at,
- be begotten,
- be born,
- be incarnated,
- be persuaded,
- be present at,
- be received,
- blow in,
- bob up,
- bounce back,
- break even,
- bring,
- bring in,
- carry to,
- catch,
- check in,
- clock in,
- come,
- come alive,
- come around,
- come back,
- come in,
- come into being,
- come into existence,
- come over,
- come round,
- come to hand,
- come to life,
- come up smiling,
- come up to,
- comply,
- comply with,
- comprise,
- contain,
- correspond,
- cost,
- ditto,
- do,
- draw,
- equal,
- even,
- even off,
- extend to,
- fall in with,
- fetch,
- fetch up at,
- find,
- gain,
- get about,
- get in,
- get over,
- get there,
- get to,
- get well,
- go to,
- hit,
- hit town,
- keep pace with,
- knot,
- lead to,
- live again,
- look on,
- make,
- make a comeback,
- make it,
- match,
- match up with,
- measure up to,
- mount up to,
- number,
- parallel,
- pop up,
- pull in,
- pull round,
- pull through,
- punch in,
- quicken,
- rally,
- reach,
- reach to,
- reanimate,
- reckon up to,
- recover,
- resurge,
- resuscitate,
- return to life,
- revive,
- ring in,
- rise again,
- rival,
- roll in,
- run abreast,
- run into,
- run to,
- see,
- see the light,
- sell for,
- set one back,
- show up,
- sign in,
- sit in,
- stack up with,
- stretch away to,
- stretch to,
- submit,
- survive,
- take in,
- tie,
- time in,
- tot up to,
- total,
- total up to,
- tote up to,
- touch,
- turn up,
- unitize,
- visit,
- watch,
- weather the storm,
- witness
Words containing 'come to'
- Come,
- Comely,
- Comes,
- Coming,
- Coming in,
- To come,
- To come about,
- To come after,
- To come again,
- To come at,
- To come between,
- To come by,
- To come down,
- To come in,
- To come in for,
- To come into,
- To come it,
- To come it over,
- To come of,
- To come off,
- To come off by,
- To come off from,
- To come on,
- To come out,
- To come out with,
- To come over,
- To come over to,
- To come to,
- To come under,
- To come up,
- To come up to,
- To come up with,
- come about,
- come after,
- come again,
- come at,
- come before,
- come between,
- come by,
- come down,
- come down on,
- come in,
- come in for,
- come into,
- come into being,
- come of,
- come off,
- come on,
- come out,
- come over,
- come through,
- come up,
- come up against,
- come up to,
- come with,
- coming out,
- have it coming,
- To come abroad,
- To come across,
- To come and go,
- To come away,
- To come down upon,
- To come home,
- To come honestly by,
- To come into play,
- To come near,
- To come near to,
- To come nigh,
- To come round,
- To come short,
- To come to a head,
- To come to blows,
- To come to grief,
- To come to hand,
- To come to light,
- To come to pass,
- To come to the front,
- To come to the ground,
- To come to the scratch,
- To come to time,
- To come together,
- To come true,
- To come up the capstan,
- To come upon,
- To go and come,
- bid come,
- come across,
- come alive,
- come along,
- come and go,
- come apart,
- come around,
- come away,
- come back,
- come back at,
- come clean,
- come close,
- come forth,
- come forward,
- come hither,
- come home,
- come in handy,
- come near,
- come of age,
- come out of the closet,
- come round,
- come short,
- come to grips,
- come to hand,
- come to life,
- come to light,
- come to mind,
- come to nothing,
- come to pass,
- come to terms,
- come to the fore,
- come together,
- come true,
- come upon,
- come what may,
- come-on,
- coming and going,
- coming attraction,
- coming back,
- coming into court,
- coming of christ,
- coming together,
- coming upon,
- kingdom come,
- second coming,
- time to come,
- up-and-coming,
- when the time comes,
- All is grist that comes to his mill,
- Come-along,
- Come-outer,
- To come in at the hawse holes,
- To come off with flying colors,
- To come one's way,
- To come or draw to a head,
- To come to one's self,
- To come up the tackle fall,
- come hither look,
- come-at-able,
- home-coming,
- second coming of christ,
- whatever may come,
- come hell or high water,
- un-come-at-able,
- first-come-first-serve,
- first-come-first-served