'Cold-blooded' definitions:

Definition of 'cold-blooded'

From: WordNet
Without compunction or human feeling; "in cold blood"; "cold-blooded killing"; "insensate destruction" [syn: cold, cold-blooded, inhuman, insensate]
Having cold blood (in animals whose body temperature is not internally regulated) [ant: warm-blooded]

Definition of 'Cold-blooded'

  • Cold-blooded \Cold"-blood`ed\, a.
  • 1. Having cold blood; -- said of fish or animals whose blood is but little warmer than the water or air about them. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Deficient in sensibility or feeling; hard-hearted. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. Not thoroughbred; -- said of animals, as horses, which are derived from the common stock of a country. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Cold-blooded'