'cliche' definitions:
Definition of 'cliche'
From: WordNet
Synonyms of 'cliche'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- abstraction,
- banality,
- banalness,
- bathetic,
- bromide,
- byword,
- catch phrase,
- catchword,
- chestnut,
- cliched,
- commonness,
- commonplace,
- commonplace expression,
- commonplaceness,
- corn,
- corniness,
- cry,
- fad word,
- familiar tune,
- familiarness,
- fustiness,
- general idea,
- generalization,
- generalized proposition,
- glittering generality,
- hack,
- hackneyed,
- hackneyed expression,
- hackneyed saying,
- hackneyedness,
- lieu commun,
- locus communis,
- mustiness,
- old joke,
- old saw,
- old song,
- old story,
- pet expression,
- platitude,
- platitudinousness,
- prosaicism,
- prosaism,
- prose,
- reiteration,
- retold story,
- rubber stamp,
- shibboleth,
- slogan,
- squareness,
- stale,
- staleness,
- stereotype,
- stereotyped saying,
- sweeping statement,
- tag,
- timeworn,
- tired cliche,
- trite saying,
- triteness,
- triticism,
- truism,
- twice-told tale,
- unoriginality,
- vogue word