'bulletproof' definitions:

Definition of 'bulletproof'

From: WordNet
Without flaws or loopholes; "an ironclad contract"; "a watertight alibi"; "a bulletproof argument" [syn: unassailable, unshakable, watertight, bulletproof]
Not penetrable by bullets; "bulletproof glass"; "bulletproof vest"
Make bulletproof; "bulletproof the car"

Definition of 'bulletproof'

  • bullet-proof \bul"let-proof`\, bulletproof \bul"let*proof`\, a.
  • 1. Capable of resisting the force of a bullet; resistant to penetration by a bullet; armored; as, a bulletproof vest; a bulletproof window. [1913 Webster +PJC]
  • 2. designed so as to be resistant to abuse or misuse and incapable of malfunction under normal use; as, a bulletproof computer program. [PJC]
  • 3. so well thought out as to be resistant to criticism or certain to succeed; as, a bulletproof plan. [PJC]

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