'Brown bread' definitions:

Definition of 'brown bread'

From: WordNet
Bread made with whole wheat flour [syn: dark bread, whole wheat bread, whole meal bread, brown bread]
Dark steamed bread made of cornmeal wheat and flour with molasses and soda and milk or water [syn: brown bread, Boston brown bread]

Definition of 'Brown bread'

  • Bread \Bread\ (br[e^]d), n. [AS. bre['a]d; akin to OFries. br[=a]d, OS. br[=o]d, D. brood, G. brod, brot, Icel. brau[eth], Sw. & Dan. br["o]d. The root is probably that of E. brew. [root]93. See Brew.]
  • 1. An article of food made from flour or meal by moistening, kneading, and baking. [1913 Webster]
  • Note:
  • Raised bread is made with yeast, salt, and sometimes a little butter or lard, and is mixed with warm milk or water to form the dough, which, after kneading, is given time to rise before baking.
  • Cream of tartar bread is raised by the action of an alkaline carbonate or bicarbonate (as saleratus or ammonium bicarbonate) and cream of tartar (acid tartrate of potassium) or some acid.
  • Unleavened bread is usually mixed with water and salt only. [1913 Webster]
  • {A["e]rated bread}. See under {A["e]rated}.
  • Bread and butter (fig.), means of living.
  • Brown bread, Indian bread, Graham bread, {Rye and Indian bread}. See Brown bread, under Brown.
  • Bread tree. See Breadfruit. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Food; sustenance; support of life, in general. [1913 Webster]
  • Give us this day our daily bread. --Matt. vi. 11 [1913 Webster]

Definition of 'Brown bread'

  • Brown \Brown\ (broun), a. [Compar. Browner; superl. Brownest.] [OE. brun, broun, AS. br?n; akin to D. bruin, OHG. br?n, Icel. br?nn, Sw. brun, Dan. bruun, G. braun, Lith. brunas, Skr. babhru. [root]93, 253. Cf. Bruin, Beaver, Burnish, Brunette.] Of a dark color, of various shades between black and red or yellow. [1913 Webster]
  • Cheeks brown as the oak leaves. --Longfellow. [1913 Webster]
  • Brown Bess, the old regulation flintlock smoothbore musket, with bronzed barrel, formerly used in the British army.
  • Brown bread (a) Dark colored bread; esp. a kind made of unbolted wheat flour, sometimes called in the United States Graham bread. "He would mouth with a beggar though she smelt brown bread and garlic." --Shak. (b) Dark colored bread made of rye meal and Indian meal, or of wheat and rye or Indian; rye and Indian bread. [U.S.]
  • Brown coal, wood coal. See Lignite.
  • Brown hematite or Brown iron ore (Min.), the hydrous iron oxide, limonite, which has a brown streak. See Limonite.
  • Brown holland. See under Holland.
  • Brown paper, dark colored paper, esp. coarse wrapping paper, made of unbleached materials.
  • Brown spar (Min.), a ferruginous variety of dolomite, in part identical with ankerite.
  • Brown stone. See Brownstone.
  • Brown stout, a strong kind of porter or malt liquor.
  • Brown study, a state of mental abstraction or serious reverie. --W. Irving. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Brown bread'