'Branta leucopsis' definitions:

Definition of 'Branta leucopsis'

From: WordNet
European goose smaller than the brant; breeds in the far north [syn: barnacle goose, barnacle, Branta leucopsis]

Definition of 'Branta leucopsis'

  • Bernicle \Ber"ni*cle\, n. [OE. bernak, bernacle; cf. OF. bernac; prob. fr. LL. bernacula for hibernicula, bernicula, fr. Hibernia; the birds coming from Hibernia or Ireland. Cf. 1st Barnacle.] A bernicle goose. [Written also barnacle.] [1913 Webster]
  • Bernicle goose (Zool.), a goose (Branta leucopsis), of Arctic Europe and America. It was formerly believed that it hatched from the cirripeds of the sea (Lepas), which were, therefore, called barnacles, goose barnacles, or Anatifers. The name is also applied to other related species. See Anatifa and Cirripedia. [1913 Webster]

Definition of 'Branta leucopsis'

  • Goose \Goose\ (g[=oo]s), n.; pl. Geese (g[=e]s). [OE. gos, AS. g[=o]s, pl. g[=e]s; akin to D. & G. gans, Icel. g[=a]s, Dan. gaas, Sw. g[*a]s, Russ. guse. OIr. geiss, L. anser, for hanser, Gr. chh`n, Skr. ha[.m]sa. [root]233. Cf. Gander, Gannet, Ganza, Gosling.] (Zool.) [1913 Webster]
  • 1. Any large web-footen bird of the subfamily Anserin[ae], and belonging to Anser, Branta, Chen, and several allied genera. See Anseres. [1913 Webster]
  • Note: The common domestic goose is believed to have been derived from the European graylag goose ({Anser anser}). The bean goose (A. segetum), the American wild or Canada goose (Branta Canadensis), and the bernicle goose (Branta leucopsis) are well known species. The American white or snow geese and the blue goose belong to the genus Chen. See Bernicle, Emperor goose, under Emperor, Snow goose, {Wild goose}, Brant. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Any large bird of other related families, resembling the common goose. [1913 Webster]
  • Note: The Egyptian or fox goose (Alopochen Aegyptiaca) and the African spur-winged geese (Plectropterus) belong to the family Plectropterid[ae]. The Australian semipalmated goose (Anseranas semipalmata) and Cape Barren goose (Cereopsis Nov[ae]-Hollandi[ae]) are very different from northern geese, and each is made the type of a distinct family. Both are domesticated in Australia. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. A tailor's smoothing iron, so called from its handle, which resembles the neck of a goose. [1913 Webster]
  • 4. A silly creature; a simpleton. [1913 Webster]
  • 5. A game played with counters on a board divided into compartments, in some of which a goose was depicted. [1913 Webster]
  • The pictures placed for ornament and use, The twelve good rules, the royal game of goose. --Goldsmith. [1913 Webster]
  • A wild goose chase, an attempt to accomplish something impossible or unlikely of attainment.
  • Fen goose. See under Fen.
  • Goose barnacle (Zool.), any pedunculated barnacle of the genus Anatifa or Lepas; -- called also {duck barnacle}. See Barnacle, and Cirripedia.
  • Goose cap, a silly person. [Obs.] --Beau. & .
  • Goose corn (Bot.), a coarse kind of rush ({Juncus squarrosus}).
  • Goose feast, Michaelmas. [Colloq. Eng.]
  • Goose grass. (Bot.) (a) A plant of the genus Galium (G. Aparine), a favorite food of geese; -- called also catchweed and cleavers. (b) A species of knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare). (c) The annual spear grass (Poa annua).
  • Goose neck, anything, as a rod of iron or a pipe, curved like the neck of a goose; specially (Naut.), an iron hook connecting a spar with a mast.
  • Goose quill, a large feather or quill of a goose; also, a pen made from it.
  • Goose skin. See Goose flesh, above.
  • Goose tongue (Bot.), a composite plant ({Achillea ptarmica}), growing wild in the British islands.
  • Sea goose. (Zool.) See Phalarope.
  • Solan goose. (Zool.) See Gannet. [1913 Webster]