'bit by bit' definitions:
Definition of 'bit by bit'
From: WordNet
A little bit at a time; "the research structure has developed piecemeal" [syn: piecemeal, little by little, bit by bit, in stages]
In a gradual manner; "the snake moved gradually toward its victim" [syn: gradually, bit by bit, step by step]
Synonyms of 'bit by bit'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- by degrees,
- by inches,
- by inchmeal,
- by slow degrees,
- by snatches,
- degreewise,
- drop by drop,
- foot by foot,
- gradatim,
- grade by grade,
- gradually,
- in detail,
- in driblets,
- in installments,
- in lots,
- in small doses,
- in snatches,
- inch by inch,
- inchmeal,
- little by little,
- part by part,
- piece by piece,
- piecemeal,
- slowly,
- step by step
Words containing 'bit by bit'
- Bit,
- Bit my bit,
- Bitted,
- Bitting,
- a bit,
- bits,
- not a bit,
- bit-by-bit,
- Bit stock,
- Canon bit,
- Curb bit,
- Expanding bit,
- Fippenny bit,
- Flute bit,
- German bit,
- Gouge bit,
- Jaw bit,
- Lip bit,
- Manners bit,
- Nose bit,
- Quill bit,
- Rearing bit,
- Sheep's bit,
- Shell bit,
- Spoon bit,
- bar bit,
- bit field,
- bit part,
- blade bit,
- bore bit,
- brace and bit,
- center bit,
- centre bit,
- chamfer bit,
- check bit,
- core bit,
- countersink bit,
- cross bit,
- drill bit,
- drilling bit,
- every bit,
- expansion bit,
- expansive bit,
- fishtail bit,
- parity bit,
- pilot bit,
- pod bit,
- rock bit,
- roller bit,
- snaffle bit,
- spade bit,
- the least bit,
- twist bit,
- two bits,
- Canker-bit,
- Frogs-bit,
- Hunger-bit,
- Wait-a-bit,
- Weather-bit,
- Welsh rare bit,
- bit bitten stung,
- bits per inch,
- bits per second,
- frog's-bit,
- double-bitted ax,
- double-bitted axe,
- frog's-bit family