'assessor' definitions:
Definition of 'assessor'
From: WordNet
An official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing it [syn: tax assessor, assessor]
Synonyms of 'assessor'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- amicus curiae,
- appraiser,
- assayer,
- barmaster,
- cartographer,
- chancellor,
- chorographer,
- circuit judge,
- customhouse,
- customs,
- estimator,
- evaluator,
- exciseman,
- farmer,
- gauger,
- geodesist,
- Internal Revenue Service,
- JA,
- judge advocate,
- judge ordinary,
- jurat,
- justice in eyre,
- justice of assize,
- land surveyor,
- lay judge,
- legal assessor,
- master,
- measurer,
- meter,
- military judge,
- oceanographer,
- ombudsman,
- ordinary,
- police judge,
- presiding judge,
- probate judge,
- publican,
- puisne judge,
- recorder,
- revenuer,
- surveyor,
- tax assessor,
- tax collector,
- tax farmer,
- taxer,
- taxman,
- topographer,
- valuator,
- valuer,
- vice-chancellor