'andante' definitions:
Definition of 'andante'
From: WordNet
At a moderately slow tempo; "this passage must be played andante"
(of tempo) moderately slow
A moderately slow tempo (a walking pace)
A musical composition or musical passage to be performed moderately slow
Synonyms of 'andante'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- a poco,
- adagietto,
- adagio,
- allargando,
- allegretto,
- allegro,
- andante tempo,
- andantino,
- beat,
- calando,
- claudication,
- compound time,
- crawl,
- creep,
- crescendo,
- dead march,
- decrescendo,
- diminuendo,
- dogtrot,
- duple time,
- footpace,
- forte,
- fortissimo,
- funeral march,
- hobble,
- jog,
- jog trot,
- larghetto,
- larghissimo,
- largo,
- legato,
- leisurely gait,
- lento,
- limp,
- lumbering pace,
- marcando,
- march tempo,
- mincing steps,
- mixed times,
- pianissimo,
- piano,
- pizzicato,
- plod,
- prestissimo,
- presto,
- rack,
- rag,
- ragtime,
- rallentando,
- ritardando,
- ritenuto,
- rubato,
- saunter,
- scherzando,
- scherzo,
- sextuple time,
- shamble,
- shuffle,
- simple time,
- slouch,
- slow march,
- slow motion,
- spiccato,
- staccato,
- stretto,
- stroll,
- syncopation,
- syncope,
- tempo,
- tempo rubato,
- three-quarter time,
- time,
- time pattern,
- timing,
- triple time,
- triplet,
- trudge,
- two-four time,
- waddle,
- walk,
- waltz time