'aetiology' definitions:

Definition of 'aetiology'

From: WordNet
The cause of a disease [syn: etiology, aetiology]
The philosophical study of causation [syn: etiology, aetiology]

Definition of 'aetiology'

  • pathology \pa*thol"o*gy\ (-j[y^]), n.; pl. pathologies (-j[i^]z). [Gr. pa`qos a suffering, disease + -logy: cf. F. pathologie.]
  • 1. (Med.) The science which treats of diseases, their nature, causes, progress, symptoms, etc. [1913 Webster]
  • Note: Pathology is general or special, according as it treats of disease or morbid processes in general, or of particular diseases; it is also subdivided into internal and external, or medical and surgical pathology. Its departments are nosology, [ae]tiology, morbid anatomy, symptomatology, and therapeutics, which treat respectively of the classification, causation, organic changes, symptoms, and cure of diseases. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. (Med.) The condition of an organ, tissue, or fluid produced by disease. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  • Celluar pathology, a theory that gives prominence to the vital action of cells in the healthy and diseased functions of the body. --Virchow. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'aetiology'